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Creamy Thai Red Pepper Soup – Recipe


I have been eating terribly since before Christmas and just can’t seem to shake the bad habits. I was doing so well before then and keep trying but it doesn’t last long before I am back to eating rubbish again. I have started a body transformation thing which is hard work but it has really kicked my butt and I am really trying with my diet and trying to find ways to make it enjoyable so I stick to it.

I decided to do a big shop at LIDL and stay away from the bigger stores with more to tempt me and went and got loads of veg and chicken and things that I knew were good for me. I was pretty happy with the things I got and decided I would get in to making my own soups. I am a terrible cook, like really terrible and I hate it, but I need to be able to do stuff like this if I am to stay on the right track.

I decided for my first proper time making a clean soup from scratch to completely make it up. Now I wasn’t expecting it to be great but wanted to have a play around and see what I could come up with. It was actually super tasty, really interesting and I was really happy. It was something I actually enjoyed eating for my lunch and didn’t just feel like I was eating a plate of veg. I am going to share the recipe with you however you may want to adjust things to your taste and I may not have the ingredients perfect but it tasted amazing to me. If you are not a fan of Coconut or Thai curry then you probably wouldn’t enjoy this but I am and it was beyond my expectations of what I believed I could make.

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2-3 large red peppers

2 cans of coconut milk

2-3 carrots chopped

1/4 large onion diced (in to teeny bits)

1 clove of garlic finely chopped


Cayenne chilli pepper powder (or similar)

1/2 cup water (you can add more if the soup is too thick)

olive oil



  1. Cut Red peppers in half and remove all seeds. Then place them faced down on a baking tray and brush with oil. Cook them at 200 C (in a fan oven, adjust temperature for other ovens) for 40min – 1 hour (or until done)
  2. Remove skin from peppers, I found it easier once they had cooled a bit and just used my fingers to peel it off like peeling off a face mask (it was quite satisfying).
  3. Put all of the ingredients in a pan and put on a low heat and cover. Cook for aroud 20 minutes and keep stirring occasionally (I forgot to do that and had it over flowing and had set the heat a bit too high!)
  4. With a hand blender, blend it all together to make it a smooth soup consistency, you can leave some chunks in there if you prefer.
  5. Taste the soup to see if it needs more chilli or paprika added and add salt and pepper. It will need a bit of salt and pepper as it is quite sweet without it.

This soup will probably make about 3/4 portions and is great as it can be frozen so you can keep it for a later date if you don’t eat it all within a few days. It is just a bit different to the usual veg soups I have had and almost tastes like it is something a bit naughty with it tasting so creamy.

I am pretty proud of myself making something like this without any injuries to myself or anyone else… I am going to make a nice broccoli one next using coconut milk again so will keep you posted on that and hopefully it will be another masterpiece!



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